Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Track Our Flight

Well, we leave in about 36 hours for Shanghai. I am getting really nervous about the flight. I am not sure if it is about me being on the plane for over 13 hours as we fly into Tokoyo and then another 3 hours to Shanghai, or if it is more about Emma. She is such a spit fire, doesn't really nap and goes like the energizer bunny. I can see it now, all the things I have bought to keep her busy will last for only a few hours if that. She won't want to watch the movies on the portable DVD player, all she will do is whine to get down. We are hoping that around her regular bedtime, she will just want to fall asleep especially if the plane turns out the lights. This is going to be a very interesting trip.
We are getting packed and have many things laid aside that we are going to need to take with us. I just hope it all fits into the two big suitcases that we want to take. Tomorrow afternoon will be the big test as we are going to finish packing by then. I hope all the toys I want to take will be able to come with us.

I have found a great site for all of you to track our flight as we fly on Wednesday. It seems very easy to use and takes just a couple clicks from a drop down menu. The link is as follows....


Under search for flight, choose Northwest Airlines from the dropdown and then next to that it askes for the flight number which is 25. Once that is entered, click on go and it brings up a new page, scroll down and it shows the track that the plane is flying and gives details of when our plane took off and is expected to arrive. Check it throughout the day and evening to watch us fly to China.We leave Wed. at 1:40 pm from Detroit Metro.

Will add another blog once we get settled in our hotel in Shanghai and get some sleep.


Laura said...

I hope you had a good flight and that things went well with Emma! Can't wait to hear about your adventures!

Amy said...

I just tracked your flight - that is cool! I'm not exactly a geography wiz, but it looks like you are over Alaska right now. Hope things are going smoothly!!