Monday, January 29, 2007

Horns Horns Horns

The traffic is something else here in Shanghai and everyone honks at everyone. Bikes have horns as do mopeds, taxis, buses and cars. They honk for the stupidest reasons too. I think drivers must have a quota to meet everytime they get into their vehicles. Taxi rides are no fun as you get a first hand experience of the driving. I feel lucky that I am alive today after riding in a few. I just sit back and close my eyes. I saw a taxi driver hit a biker in her arm with his side mirror. Drivers pass others with oncoming traffic coming, they go over curbs, and turn out in front of each other. I want to stand out at a busy intersection one day and video tape these idiots so you can get an idea with how busy and chaotic it is. If you are a pedrestrian, watch out! Even though Shanghai has crosswalks at the lights with the crossing lights, but those vehicles turning right don't yeild to those on foot and honk for you to move. Also, the crossing lights don't blink red a few times to let you know that the light is about to change, they stay green and underneath them they have a timer which counts down from 15.
I was surprise at the license plates on the cars. They are about the only thing not written in Chinese characters. They have our letters with numbers. Here's a couple pictures of some traffic signs and the licence plates. With closing of this post, all I can say is that it is a ZOO out there with so many people.


Amy said...

I'm enjoying reading about China - be careful out there!

Mandy said...

Loved seeing the pictures of the signs! The traffic sounds insane!

~M said...

Welcome to life with a billion people....LOL!!! Sounds like you're getting around well...Much diff from old USA....

Can't wait to read more